June 04, 2009

The Other Side of Deja Vu

As of last May 14 Paul and I have been married 26 years! Wow! That seems like forever, and yet, it seems like not that long ago! I guess that's the thought process we have as we get older.

A couple of weeks ago, our 19 year old daughter came home and told us that she was getting married! We were stunned and confused and not very happy about it. We like Ian, but she's so young and quite frankly doesn't seem to have it all together most of the time. What were we going to do?

As Paul and I talked about it, our discussion went back 27 years to a couple that was very young. She was 19 and he was 24. They didn't really have it all together. They were clueless and in love. Their parents could not even imagine how this young couple could think about getting married. How would their survive?? It just didn't make sense.

Paul and I were that couple. Obviously a God we really didn't know at the time had a special plan for our lives. So~~ that is our prayer for Beth and Ian. That this love they have will grow and blossom into something very special. That love will be enough, even when they are searching for change on the floor to make ends meet, eating Rammen Noodles for the 4th time that week, when they haven't got a clue what comes next, or when a curve ball is thrown their way. It is also our prayer that Ian will truly fall in love with Jesus and that Beth will fall in love with Him more deeply. That they will allow Him to be their guide through this journey. That they will have Faith, Hope and Love and know that the greatest of these is Love!

How weird it is to be on this side of the situation. How thankful we are that we can remember that we were those same clueless kids over 25 years ago, so that we can enjoy the moment rather than begrudge them their happiness! God always has such amazing plans for us , even when we don't realize what He's doing!


Melissa Milbourn said...

yeah, which of us had it together back then...come to think of it, which of us has it together now? ha.

Kathy said...

Ain't nothing like coming full circle, huh? :-) Congratulations!

Marsha said...

Well, four months later and she's a MRS. now!! How awesome that you guys supported her and gave her away in love and trust in Ian and God... Prayers for you and your extended family!